Cricket Live Video Match
Hi Guys,This is season for Cricket.People are searching across web for live telecast,live video match,live video streaming and live score with commentary.So your search ends here.Following is a list of places where you might be able to watch live streaming of the cricket match you are looking for:
I receive nothing from these folks for these plugs. I am providing this list as a service to cricket lovers.I welcome suggestions for improving this list.
Note: If you came looking to watch matches for free you understand the nature of the beast. The streams break. When there is no match, there generally is no stream.Don't worry soon,I am going to provide live stream at this website.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 | 4 Comments
Add image or picture to Gmail mail body
Hi,I have come across many mails and request to help to add image in Gmail.This is hot topic around web and found many places different tips and tricks for adding images or pictures in Gmail but this is the simplest way to add Gmail.Gmail allows you to insert images into the body of an email message instead of just attaching the image. This makes for a better looking email and prevents the reader from having to open an attachment after opening the email.
Follow these steps to add images into Gmail-
1. Go to Gmail and login to your account.
2.Click the Settings icon at upper right corner of screen.
3. Click the Labs icon.4. Scroll down the list to the Inserting Images Lab and select its Enable radio button.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save Changes button.
6. Click the Compose Mail link on the left side of the screen. Address the message and input an appropriate Subject.
7. Compose your email as usual. When you come to a place in the message where you wish to insert an image, go to the Rich Formatting tool bar and select the Insert Image icon .
8. Select the My Computer radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on your computer. Browse to the desired image and then click the Open button to select it. Click the Add Image button to insert it into the message body.
Select the Web address (URL) radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on the web. Input the Image URL. Click the Add Image button to insert it into the message body.
9. The image will appear in the message body. Use the included menu to select the desired size of the image (Small, Medium, Large, or Original Size). If you change your mind, select Remove from the menu.
That's it and I hope you will enjoy after getting tips and forward this link to all of freinds to know about this and improve your computer knowledge.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 | 4 Comments
Free Ubuntu Operating System CD
Ubuntu is distributing free operating CD.If you want to get Ubuntu free CD,get this from Ubuntu website.This is direct Link .
Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.
Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.
We issue a new desktop and server release every six months. That means you'll always have the latest and greatest applications that the open source world has to offer.
Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. You get free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTS version, we make our very best work available to everyone on the same free terms. Upgrades to new versions of Ubuntu are and always will be free of charge.
Get free CD from Ubuntu.
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Monday, September 28, 2009 | 2 Comments
Download Full Edition WinX DVD Ripper Platinum free
Hi friends,Nowadays there is marketing trends to give free products to user to use product and get feedback to launch other products or professional products.Do you watch movie or video?Do you want to transfer your video from your laptop or computer to your PDA/Mobile/Iphone/Ipod?If yes,then this free software is for you.This software is not free ,it's market value $24.95 but currently they are giving this offer free of cost to download and use it.This software is WinX DVD Ripper Platinum.
WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is the advanced version of WinX DVD Ripper. It is a professional DVD ripper which could rip different DVDs to popular devices such as Sony PSP, Apple iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, PDA, Zune, mobile phone, rip the content of DVDs to all popular video formats as AVI, FLV, WMV, MPEG, MP4, RMVB, 3GP, etc. Integrated all DVD ripping functions together, WinX DVD Ripper Platinum could easily rip and convert all DVDs into all video formats which no matter use for personal computer or popular portable devices. This powerful DVD ripping and converting software fully compatible with normal DVDs, CSS protected DVDs and region 1-6 DVDs.Furthermore, WinX DVD Ripper Platinum supports automatically detecting and connecting converted videos to portable devices. It enables to add video information such as display name, artist name. WinX DVD Ripper Platinum, with High Definition Encoding Engine inside, offers best video image quality. With this powerful DVD Ripper, you don't need any other DVD ripper at all.
This offer is valid for limited time.You can get this free software from winxdvd website.Click here to get it free.This is enlarged view of offer that is available at WinX DVD website.
See features and screen below-
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Monday, September 28, 2009 | 0 Comments
The Myth Of Refreshing PC/Laptop
Hi to All ,A long gap between post but a new topic and refreshing topic..This is hectic month for me to get enough time.But this time I have brought some sensitive stuff and superstitious stuff related with your computer use.
"Do you refresh your desktop?". Ask this to any Windows user and 99% of them will reply with a "yes". Of course, there are various needs for refreshing the desktop but the majority of people who does it doesn't even know why he is doing it. Refreshing the desktop is perhaps the biggest computer myth among all Windows users.
Every single person I have met does this or at least used to do it. It's not known who first discovered this remarkably useless trick and what he achieved from it, but it just spread. Most new users learn this trick from other new users without caring to know what it does. Some do it devotedly just because others do it, while some others have various weird explanations for it. A few of them assumes that it refreshes the RAM, while some others believe that doing it will somehow keep their PCs running smooth and easy. I have seen some users obsessed with refreshing the desktop, doing it every 30 seconds or so. They have even learnt the keyboard shortcut - F5 (just to mention, these are the people who never use keyboard shortcuts). They would press the key and wouldn't release it for a long time, sending the desktop into a frenzy of refreshes.
What does a desktop refresh actually do? Refreshing the desktop simply redraws the icons on the desktop. That's it! It doesn't refreshes the RAM. It doesn't clean your PC. It doesn't refreshes your computer the way it does to you when you wake up from a nap. Refreshing the desktop has absolutely no effect on the working or performance of the computer. So why is the tool there? As I said, refresh is used to re-display or redraw the icons on the desktop. Sometimes when you bring some changes to the desktop icons, the change doesn't get reflected instantly. In such cases, refreshing the desktop becomes necessary to bring the change to effect. Say, you have the desktop icons set to arrange themselves alphabetically on your desktop. When you add a new item to the desktop, this item wouldn't get arranged alphabetically, instead it would appear at the bottom of icon list on the desktop, irrespective of it's name. Now if you refresh the desktop, all the icons would be once more arranged alphabetically and the newly added item would go to it's appropriate position. This is what refresh is for. It is to re-display the desktop. Refresh has the same function when done in explorer. Also Refresh is basically the command used to refresh/reload the video buffer(VGA memory). Sometimes the changes made in the VGA memory are not reflected to the screen properly...Refresh just corrects the prob...
So, if you are in the habit of refreshing the desktop, stop it. You are just wasting your time and effort. And the next time you see a person doing it, don't forget to explain to him the futility of this action
Also, during the times of windows 3.1 - win 95 it was normal for PCs to hang, crash n be restarted every now n then! It looks like even knowledgeable people used the desktop refresh just to get an assurance that the OS is working and not freezing from the resulting flicker of icons.
Today PCs are very stable and crash only once in a blue moon but the habit still continues, and I think for same reason, even I do it sometimes .But friends avoid this habit,this is just waste of time nothing else.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009 | 1 Comments
Visual Talking -- Put Images Where Your Mouth Is!
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Saturday, August 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
Download youtube video free
First of all I want to tell that its not copied from any site, this is new trick i have found. Yes it is true! I am now telling you the quickest, simplest and easiest method to download videos on internet.
IDM is the coolest Internet Download Manager. You can download its trial version from its site or buy according to your convenience.
- First step is to Install it.
- Now open the IDM window. Go to options–>File types.
- Now add the file extensions you want to enable for downloading.Maximum pod casts on internet are of .flv and .swf format.
- Now go to options–>General and click on Advance browsing options now it would ask for restart.Never forget to integrate your browser.
- Now open the video you want to download. You will see the downloading video popping out.
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Thursday, August 20, 2009 | 1 Comments
Protect PC with dirtiest websites
Day was hectic as usual.Work was making me tensed in office......But any how I managed to come home early to surf.After having dinner,I switched on system and open rediff to get today news.I was going through news sudden my eyes goes to this news "The most dangerous web sites for your PC!".I thought ,this will be useful for my readers .
There are many websites which is infected or full of malware or Trojan or virus or make your system to vulnerable or land of hackers.Even myself I got trapped many times to those websites and made my system corrupted or infected and later I had to format system or scan system fully.
Therefore I recommend all of my readers to beware these websites-
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Thursday, August 20, 2009 | 2 Comments
Speed up Broadband connection
You can increase the speed of your broadband internet connection, if you are using windows XP on your computer. There is built-in feature of windows XP to reserve the 20 percent of bandwidth of your internet connection, but you can override of this default setting. You can use this reserve bandwidth and enjoy your speedy broadband internet connection. You can set
reserve able limit from 0 to 100 percent, but if you want to enjoy 100 percent bandwidth of internet connection, you should configure bandwidth limit 0 percent
1) Click Start button and type "GPedit.msc" in Run option.
2) Under "Local Computer Policy" expand the "administrative templates".
3) In right side window, expand "Network" and then highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler"
4) Double click on "limit reservable bandwidth".
5) Under the "Limit reservable bandwidth properties" dialog box, check "enabled"™ and then change the "Bandwidth limit %" to zero.
6) Close Group Policy editor and restart your computer.
Now enjoy higher speed !!!!!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009 | 0 Comments
Free Tag Cloud Widget Code
I was trying for good Tag clouds for last 1 month but I was not happy with any one.Currently I am using Technorati Tag widget but it redirects to Techonrati.It is really pathetic.Then I googled and found new resources about Tag clouds.Recently I came through a blog ,I found Tag Clouds there.I modified that code and pasted that code to my other blog -
This is quite good and working fine there.Now I tried to install this blog but I could not install since I am using labels attribute for categories so I tried to play with JavaScript but did not get through . Again I explored internet and found few codes that I can directly add to my blog.Currently I am using that code and Technorati code for this blog.Finally I resolved issue with my favourite tag clouds code after this post.My latest tag cloud can been seen right side bar.
In my suggestion,use Tag Cloud widget for your blog to help readers to navigate your blog contents easily.I have modified Tag Clouds widget that I have installed at above blog.You can download Tag clouds widget code from this location Tag Clouds.
After download code,Follow these steps-
- Check your blog has label page element installed if this is not installed .Go to Layout >Page Elements >Add a Page Element(may be different name based on blog template.For me it is Add a Gadget) > Labels >OK.
- Now Go to Edit HTML in Layout >Check off Expand Widget Templates >Search Labels widget.It will look something similar to this-<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> .This may vary based on template.
- Replace all code between <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> and </b:widget> with downloaded code except first and last line and give your title name like "Tag Clouds" at place of title.
- Now you save your code and see result at your blog.Your lovely Tag Cloud will be there.Please add our link to your blog for kind support.
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Sunday, August 09, 2009 | 0 Comments
How to add programming code in blog?
This post is really useful for all blogger.I hope many blogger tried to get such a tool or software to help to add code blocks in blog post.I was also searching such a tool but finally I got from my Serbian friend Milan.This tool is Syntax highlighter.
I will let you know how to use syntax highlighter.It is pretty simple.First you need to host this tool somewhere which allow JavaScript.I use for hosting and my friend has hosted on
1)You can download Syntax highlighter from this location free -Download Syntax highlighter
2)These are codes that I have hosted on Hotlinks. free to use them, I'm not intending to move or remove them.
3)After that you add below code in your blogger XML code before </ body > .Modify this based on your hosting link or use directly.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />4)Use HTML Escaper at my to escape html code.
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript">
dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '';
dp.SyntaxHighlighter.BloggerMode(); //fix for blogger adding to lines
5) This is sample example.It supports most programming language.
System.out.println("This is Raju from");Once you download Syntax highlighter,go through steps to follow.
Cheers!!!!!you done.Please add our link to your website.
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Saturday, August 08, 2009 | 1 Comments
Logoff your computer automatically
Do you want your system to be log off after certain period it is inactive?Do you want to save power?Do you want to improve system life?Do you want to make your system secure?For all this,what gave you to do? you have to install Winexit.scr tool that is included in Windows 2003 Resource Kit (rktools.exe). You can download it for free from Microsoft site.
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.
1) After installing the rktools.exe setup, locate the Winexit.scr file in the following location.
C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools
2) Here right click Winexit.scr file and select the Install option.
3) A Display Properties dialog box will appear.
4) Select Screen Saver tab and choose "Log off Screen Saver" entry under the Screen saver area.
5) Click on Setting button, again a small dialog box will appear with the title "WinExit Setup Dialog".
6) Here select the "Force application termination" check box under the "Force log off" area
7) Type the number of seconds in "Countdown for n seconds" box under Time to log off area.Now type the message that appears during the log off countdown timer in the "Log off Message" box and click on OK button.
9) Click on "Preview" button to verify the settings. Here a small dialog box will appear with the title "Auto log off in progress", it displays the countdown timer and log off message.
10) Click Cancel, then OK button to finish the process.
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Saturday, August 08, 2009 | 0 Comments
Morro:Free Antivirus from Microsoft
Now it is time for freeware.Every company wants to advertise its product via freeware.Same thing happened with Microsoft also.Now they have discontinued sales of PC security service that costs $49.95 per year and they have given new name "Morro" software to help protect computers from viruses, spyware and other threats.This is free of cost and can use up to 3 systems.
The new security program, which the company has code-named "Morro," will be available as a free download by end of this year.
Features of Morro-
Morro is designed to work with smaller, less powerful computers,the company said, which should make it appeal to a wide group of consumers.
System requirements mentioned at Microsoft website are-
2) For Windows XP, a Personal Computer with a:
- CPU with clock speed of 500 MHz or higher
- Memory: 256 MB RAM or higher
3) For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a Personal Computer with a:
- CPU with clock speed of 1.0 GHz or higher
- Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher
4) VGA (Display): 800 x 600 or higher
5) Storage: 140 MB of available hard-disk space
6) An Internet connection is required for installation and to download the latest virus and spyware definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials.
7) Internet Browser:
- Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later
Wait for few months , get a good free security tools from Microsoft.
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Saturday, August 08, 2009 | 0 Comments
Yahoo offers cheapest web hosting and web services
Are you interested to have your own website?Do you want to invest minimum for this?Do you want to get free well designed website or template along with 1 domain and 100o sub domain only in Rs1999?Also free 1000 email and free unlimited web hosting with 100% up time.Yahoo India has launched such a service for all.
The more details about Yahoo web services India is-
Yahoo Small Business is an all in one web hosting package by Yahoo. It has received Editor's Choice Award by PC Magazine for Small Business Hosting.The product has been around in the US for 6 years and has now been launched in India.
The sites are hosted on Yahoo servers ensuring near 100% uptime. A website can be created in less then an hour’s time with the bundled site designing software.
For those looking for an advanced solution, YSB offers support for PHP, MySQL, Perl and FTP accounts. It also offers access logs, site statistics and backups on a regular basis.
A survey conducted among YSB users has mentioned ease of use, reliability and the pricing as the top reasons for using the product.
So do not wait , get a website in your name at minimum cost and show to your friends.Get your domain and website Here.
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Thursday, August 06, 2009 | 0 Comments
Knowledge Horizons:Free demo class for X,IX,XI,XIIth student
This post is quite different to my other post.This post is dedicated to those students staying in Delhi and searching for good coaching institute to crack board exam or IIT JEE or Engineering exams.
This institute is quite popular among students .If you till do not know,just register this institute free of cost,Join demo class.If you find demo class fit ,you can join otherwise you can search other>in current scenario ,not a single institute does this but this institute cares about you and your money.This is Knowledge Horizons India Limited.
Features of this institute-
- Best faculty
- Unique Each Child Brought Forward (ECBF) policy
- Integrated Learning - Education with Information Technology, Subject study with Personality Development Program & CBSE curriculum with competitive entrance Test Preparation.
- Personality Development programme (PDP)
- Digital Content
- Tech support
- Test Series
- Class IX IIT foundation + CBSE 2 years
- Class IX IIT foundation + CBSE 1 year
- Class XI AIEEE/DCE+ CBSE 2 years
- Class XI AIEEE/DCE+ CBSE 1 year
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009 | 0 Comments