How to get high ranking keywords?
If you are not aware which keywords are hot or having maximum demand in Google Search Engine.Or you want highly targeted keywords to get good traffic to your website or blog.
Use Google trends.
What is Google trends?This is not a tool or an application.This is just a Google URL.Enter in browser and hit enter.
This page will display.
Enter any keywords and see popularity of that keywords .You can see also popularity of that keyword country wise or city wise.Decide your keywords based on those data.See history of those keywords.
I am showing you keywords "raju" trends.
If you see result,graph indicates Dec,2008 and Jan,2009.Keyword "raju" was searched highest among 5yrs.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 0 Comments
How to Submit Website or Blog to Google Search?
This is desire for every blogger or website owner that his/her blog or website comes to first page of Google search engine but your website or blog will not be indexed in Google search engine till you submit your website or blog manually to Google Search Engine.
How to Submit Blog or Website to Google Search Engine?First enter in your browser URL and Enter.
Enter your URL and Word verification code.Then click Enter.Google robots will index your blog or website if it finds non abusive content.It might take 1-2 week that your Blog or Website will come in Google Search Engine.Start writing good contents and see your Google rank improves .
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Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 0 Comments
How to write your first blog post?
Those who has opened a blog account and has got blog name.This is for them.if you have not got any blog account,do not be despair.Read my old post "How to start blogging".
First enter in your browser URL and click enter.Enter your username and password.Click Enter.
A dashboard page opens.Click new post button.Your dashboard will look like below.Since I have other blog also,so it will display all your existing blog title.
Blog editor page opens.Click Compose.Start writing your first post .Write title and label of your post for your blog visibility in search engine.Then click Publish Post.
Do not forget to read my next post to know blogger other functionality and features.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 0 Comments
How to start Blogging?
I have come across hundred of people who is willing to start blogging .They have good knowledge on any topic but lack of proper computer knowledge make them away from blogging.This post is dedicated to those person who is willing to start blogging.
There are many blog service provider but in my view Blogger and Wordpress are the best.These are absolutely free.No need to pay for domain and hosting and also you do not need to care about down time or server outage.They take care.
Blogger in my view is the best.This is owned by Google and I trust Google service.
How to join Blogger?Enter in your URL address box.It will open home page.Click Create a blog link.
A new page opens with few form fields.If you have not Gmail account.Please open first and continue filling form fields.Fill email address,password,display name.Enter word verification code in box .Check acceptance terms and click continue.
A new page opens.Enter your blog title and blog URL you wish.Verify with word verification.Click Continue(Note:If you want to create blog later,skip this step.Many times your favorite URL will be not available so you will have to choose some other URL that is available.)
A new page opens .Move your cursor and select your best blog template and click Continue.
A new page opens written "your blog has been created!" .If you are willing to write a post now.Click Start blogging.
In next Lesson ,I will let you know how to write your blog post so do not forget to read that one.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 0 Comments
Do You Care? dNeero-ites Care!
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Sunday, July 19, 2009 | 0 Comments