Free Tag Cloud Widget Code
I was trying for good Tag clouds for last 1 month but I was not happy with any one.Currently I am using Technorati Tag widget but it redirects to Techonrati.It is really pathetic.Then I googled and found new resources about Tag clouds.Recently I came through a blog ,I found Tag Clouds there.I modified that code and pasted that code to my other blog -
This is quite good and working fine there.Now I tried to install this blog but I could not install since I am using labels attribute for categories so I tried to play with JavaScript but did not get through . Again I explored internet and found few codes that I can directly add to my blog.Currently I am using that code and Technorati code for this blog.Finally I resolved issue with my favourite tag clouds code after this post.My latest tag cloud can been seen right side bar.
In my suggestion,use Tag Cloud widget for your blog to help readers to navigate your blog contents easily.I have modified Tag Clouds widget that I have installed at above blog.You can download Tag clouds widget code from this location Tag Clouds.
After download code,Follow these steps-
- Check your blog has label page element installed if this is not installed .Go to Layout >Page Elements >Add a Page Element(may be different name based on blog template.For me it is Add a Gadget) > Labels >OK.
- Now Go to Edit HTML in Layout >Check off Expand Widget Templates >Search Labels widget.It will look something similar to this-<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> .This may vary based on template.
- Replace all code between <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> and </b:widget> with downloaded code except first and last line and give your title name like "Tag Clouds" at place of title.
- Now you save your code and see result at your blog.Your lovely Tag Cloud will be there.Please add our link to your blog for kind support.
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Sunday, August 09, 2009 | 0 Comments